I am a service designer and design researcher, strategic and systems thinker, and co-designer.

I listen and translate; I research, learn and analyse; I am a philosopher and a maker; I advocate for sustainability in all things, and I help the indecisive to make decisions. I am happiest exploring the junctions and connection points from which innovation springs. I love to find pointy problems and help people solve them.

This is my work-in-progress.

I am most attracted to projects that explore the context of problems and consider the system, and in work that allows me to shape a sustainable future. I have worked on a variety of industrial, service and strategic design projects across a number of industries in Australia, the Netherlands and the UK. 

I’m interested in service design taking its place in:

  • re-valuing “waste” and the circular economy;

  • co-design with vulnerable humans;

  • creating behavioural and cultural change within organisations

I graduated from the University of Queensland in 2011 with a Bachelor of Laws and a Bachelor of Arts (Philosophy and Literature Studies).  From 2015, I spent a year in the Netherlands. I studied Industrial Design Engineering for a semester at TU Delft, followed by an internship with Sunidee innovation agency in Amsterdam, which I undertook while finishing the written component of my thesis. 

In December 2016, I graduated from my Bachelor of Design (Industrial Design) (Honours) from the Queensland University of Technology. 

I am currently based in London. My most recent work is commercial in confidence. Please contact me to learn more.